Instead they were definitely darker as they featured death and in one case murder… However I actually really liked that they were much darker than I expected because it reminded me of The Brother’s Grimm – Fairy tales and the original stories of the fairy tales we grew up with and how they are nothing like Disney’s happy versions. Weasley would read the book to them as children so I had this idea of it being all happily ever after stories. I was really surprised though by how it was darker than I expected it to be, in the film Ron mentions how Mrs. I went in to this book pretty much blind, I didn’t know what to expect as the only story I had heard from this collection was The Tale of the Three Brothers from the Deathly Hallows movie (I have yet to read the book yet… I know eek.). I really liked this element because it reminded me of Albus and Harry’s talks from the many books/movies and it left me feeling sort of nostalgic in a way as if I was going back to something I had read before or experienced before. In-between each short story there is also ‘Notes from Albus Dumbledore’ who with his wisdom explains the story or his understanding of the story to the reader. The Tales of Beedle The Bard are a collection of Short Stories, The Second cover is the cover shown in The Deathly Hallows part 1 Movie.