The number continues to change though it may be correct. GDB has announced this the program ended with code 0377 I think this sentence has already come when 1 calls in a process -1 2 returns -1 to the main job some other cases exist. I having trouble running programs on Linux RedHat 8.0. 0377 is only relevant to those who wrote the application. You really need to check the code to find out what would lead to output with status 0377. The code is about 3 000 lines of multiple files and I understand which part of the files I would work with but it would be good if it was a program that showed me step by step what methods are called and so just as GDB does. It a little strange that the plan was smart enough to analyze this situation but it was sloppy enough to report any mistakes on Stderr - or to part. For advanced staff desktop configuration and the basic knowledge needed to continue with system and network management. GDB has reported this the program ended with the number 0377 I think this sentence already comes when 1 calls in production process -1 other cases to I have tried to exit -1 in all numbers but does not exist. GDB has reported this the program ended with the number 0377 I think this sentence already comes 1 called in process output -1 2 back -1 in main activity second case to Applications crashed and returned garbage to OS which decided to interpret it as meaning -1. You are having trouble running programs on Linux RedHat 8.0. Otherwise, under debug menu select windows, exception settings and check "Common Language runtime exceptions then rerun the app.Hi Mark Here are the OS information system: RedHat Linux 8.0 Psyche kernel 2.4.18-14smp compiler: GCC 3.2-7 Debugging: gdb-5.2.1-4 While I can not solve this problem yet thanks for the help. Git sparse-checkout add ThreadExceptionWindowsFormsApp Git sparse-checkout add ExceptionHandling To get both projects, create a batch file, insert the following and run. I have a code sample that comprises of a class project for writing exception information and a simple test app on GitHub. I noticed you indicated this has been tried and didn't work but it may be written incorrectly and if not this means the exception type is not caught-able which can happen. If nothing has changed add unhandled exception handling, write to a file and report back what was recorded. Hello thing to check is your model is in sync with the database.